New bus line on southern highway
Starting December 6, 2021, a new, luxury-bus line bus will join other public buses in shuttling passengers along the route between Belize City and Punta Gorda. Derrick Garcia and M
New bus line Floralia to run new state-of-the-art buses from PG to Belize City starting December 6
Ву Rubén Моrаlеѕ Іglеѕіаѕ: Flоrаlіа іѕ а nеw buѕ lіnе thаt wіll run frоm Рuntа Gоrdа tо Веlіzе Сіtу ѕtаrtіng оn Dесеmbеr 6. Оwnеd
Bye-Bye To Those Broke Down Buses
What was your last experience on a bus like? There’s a good chance it was cramped and uncomfortable and you couldn’t wait to get to your stop. Well, there’s a new